There aren’t too many things better than seeing your kids have fun. I pretty much live my life to make them happy – not in a spoiled rotten brat kind of way. My kids are for the most part, grateful for the things they have and the time we spend together.

Most weekends are filled up with activities for the kids with an occasional date night mixed in. Lately we’ve been starting to find different places to go and to take the kids. Northeast Ohio has a ton of stuff to offer for families. Sometimes you have to research and get creative. That’s why I decided to start writing about the places that we go so that other people can get some insight on places in northeast Ohio.

A few weekends ago, we took the kids to Memphis Kiddie Park up in Brooklyn, Ohio. We took our older son a few years ago and he had a blast. Now that we have a two boys (3.6) we thought it was be awesome for our youngest to ride carnival rides for the first time.


In my experience with amusement parks and places that have carnival rides, tickets can get IMG_1748SUPER expensive. On top of that, if you go to an amusement park or a place that you don’t intend on participating, a lot of times, parents and adults are stuck buying tickets anyways, which can get really pricey. The Memphis Kiddie Park is pretty cool because it’s free to get into the park. All of the rides are for kids and the tickets are sold per ride. You can buy a book of 25 tickets for $31. The booklet has some coupons for discount food so it’s a good deal. If you don’t buy the book then you’re stuck paying $2 per ticket. Each ride take one ticket so it works well having two kids to split the tickets.

The Rides

The rides at the Memphis Kiddie Park are perfect for the little ones. My son is almostmy son on the boat ride at Memphis Kiddie Park Brooklyn, OH 3 and he could ride EVERYTHING! My husband did ride with him on the “big” roller coaster so he didn’t fly out, but my 6 year old rode by himself with another kid.

I will say that my older son thought some of the rides were a little too small for him so there is a somewhat short window of time to enjoy it. But overall, he enjoyed it. My other child, he’s a different story. I thought for sure he would be terrified of the rides but he fears NOTHING.


Overall, it’s a great place to take the kids in the summer and fall and blow off some steam.